
Hello World!

Anybody who comes to you and says he has a perfect language is either naive or a salesman.
-Bjarne Strousrup

This is my first post(as you probably already noticed). This blog will be mainly about TBS(To Be Simple), a programming language I created. Please do not expect it to be a language even comparable to most programming languages out there today. But TBS has a number of features which are interesting and it has a purpose.
Besides that, I will also write about other things related to computer-science.
The current download for TBS(debian package): http://www.mediafire.com/?7hdbhs6g0oty86k.
For a language summary, look in /usr/bin/tbs-doc/summary.pdf or here.

A windows binary will be created later(and I will add some more information tomorrow?).
Well, I guess that's all... for now.

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