
~English: Release

I have lately not made any time to post this, but I have now. For a (sort of) description of this language, see this post. I have now given it the ironic name ~English(pronounced NOT English). "lang.syntax" provides a file containing a precise(yet possibly obscure) definition of the language syntax and semantics. I have also included a file "testfile.ext" which contains a hello world program using most of the languages features.

You can download the full package(45.6 KB) here.

An important notice for all users:
This language is, as stated earlier in my last post, an esoteric programming language. This means that it was not created to be functional. The interpreter(written in C++) is very simple and might still contain a number of bugs. It has only be compiled for Linux and this will remain as it currently is.


  1. Nice thing, reminds me a bit of the efforts of Inform7.

    Will you make a more elaborate language specification as well as the source code available?

    1. In fact, I recently cleaned up some of the source code and improved / corrected some things. I do plan on releasing a newer version of ~English (including source code for the interpreter and a spec) eventually.

  2. English release Watch English Dubbed Anime in High Quality Online for Free. English http://topusachannels.blogspot.com/2013/03/tbs online streaming-channel.htmlNaruto Shippuden Episode 219 English Dubbed ... Released: Dec 13, 2013Watch Now ...

  3. ...
    Old mysterious language keeper, where art thou not english?
