
alpha-2.9: ready for release

As you can see on the image above, the alpha-2.9 packages are ready for release. They contain:
  • An updated(and more readable) language summary.
  • A fixed version of the TBS STDL(which broke due to lack of backward compatibility).
  • The TBS interpreter(version alpa-2.9).
This time, I have also created another file, which contains some examples(most of them I use as a test).
  • stdl.tbs is a program which does a number of operations using the STDL(in fact, all currently possible things).
  • subj_sub.tbs demonstrates "wildcard" subroutines.
  • person.tbs is a pseudo-OOP example.
  • substitution.tbs shows you how code aliases work.
  • encrypt.tbs uses a character shift for "encrypting" text.
  • decrypt.tbs uses a character shift for "decrypting" text "encrypted" by encrypt.tbs.
  • words.tbs generates a random word "of the day" based upon the words in "words".
TBS alpha-2.9 will be released today or tomorrow!

In other news...
You may have noticed I have stopped posting quotes at the beginning of topics, this is because it's getting hard to find them.